Thursday, February 12, 2015

Long overdue update - :) Welcome To kindergarten!!!

Man, I have been slacking on this whole blogging thing lately!

Well welcome to Kindergarten - Taylor edition... It is full of adventure and emotions!

Lets start to her very first month of kindergarten - October to November... Man in this month I cant even begin to express the amount of emotions - I cried, she cried... I got stressed, she laughed. I laughed, she got frustrated. Yup this was a never ending cycle of emotions that happened in that first month.  But once we got the hang of this new schedule and Taylor started making friends, we discovered really quickly we have a talking child on our hands... lol

Last month we applied for DDD - which is a abbreviation for the department of developmental disabilities - we knew that Tay needed just a little extra help above what she was getting in school and her pediatrician really pushed DDD after seeing Taylor twice. So we applied, our case worker came out approximately 3 weeks ago - She told us before leaving that she would be surprised if Taylor was approved because she had the wrong diagnosis. So this began a huge process of scheduling further evaluations and appointments with more specialists... This afternoon, I got an email that has changed everything - by the grace of God Taylor was approved. The next step is getting Arizona Long Term Care insurance set up so we can have all the resources we need at our finger tips.

With all this said -We are blessed beyond words that Taylor is who she is today - a lot of people and hard work later our little 3 pound preemie is in her words an "owl rockstar" We have seen a slight speech regression  and the school is all over it like the FBI. Lol

Taylor can also skip now - Its not perfect, but she can do it!!! I will post a video as soon as I am able to capture it :)

As always thank you for continually supporting Taylor and our family!!

Love Always -

Janine (*mommy to Taylor)