First of all I apologize for not updating this in quite some time, I guess I got wrapped up in every day life and forgot to blog.
To catch you all up to date we have a diagnosis... Rett Syndrome ( google it if you want, though I don't recommend it...) Our world has literally turned upside down, well maybe thats a bit dramatic... But I have felt alone - Isolated... I needed time to process this diagnosis... I needed time to heal from the shock of it. What I want everyone to know and what we all want you all to know, is Taylor is still Taylor. She is still our sweet, bubbly, sometimes grumpy, energetic, elephant loving Taylor... I can go on, but y'all get the picture... Soon we will start ABA ( applied behavioral analysis) long name for basically helping us help Taylor control all of her behaviors good and bad.
To say I have been overwhelmed is an understatement, I have felt anger, sadness, guilt and acceptance, I have gone through them all several times now. I am angry that no doctor thought to test before now, I am sad that one day who knows when hopefully fifty million years from now, Taylor will slowly slip farther and farther away, I have guilt that I should of known, I should of fought harder... you name it I have felt it. But it all comes back to acceptance. I have to accept that this is what it is. We will continue to fight, therapies for as long as we can and then some... but we will fight.
So with that I leave you with this - take each second to tell your children you love them, to spend as much time with them as you can, to always forgive yourself... and take it all one step at a time!
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