Sunday, February 19, 2012

Meal Time.

So, lately we have been having issues with Taylor eating - Again. It takes every ounce of energy that I have at meal times to get her to eat even a bite. I have tried every one of her favorite foods, I have let her dip her food into things - NOTHING is working... I do not want to add feeding therapy but sadly it looks like we are headed that way - I hate that whenever we have one success we have another setback... Her sensory issues are getting out of control - and as her mother all I can do is hug her and pray daily that there is a light at the end of this tunnel.

Taylor is a blessing so if the worst thing is she is going to refuse to eat and not allow me to put lotion on her, play loud music or noises, or drive in the rain - then Ill take it - I guess it could be way worse... That is the story I am about to share...

Today at Wal - Mart while we were allowing the girls to each pick out a toy - I noticed what appeared to be a 20 year old "normal" gentleman. What happened next shocked me - I heard a woman's voice call for him .."freddy* buddy lets go come on bring and show me the toy you were looking at." I wanted to cry right there... I felt guilty at the way I had thought - that a 20 year old was looking at matchbox cars... ( Im sure my 24 husband would look at them...) I thought he was normal - I didnt notice till he got up and walked to his mother that he was indeed mentally disabled ( or whatever the politically correct term is ...) I watched curious and thinking what if that is us with Taylor when she was in 20 - I have since decided so what if thats us - I admire that mother and I think without her knowing she has made me even more thankful for the gift of Taylor - As hard as it is every time to hear how far behind she is - I know that I love her with all of my heart and I would fight till the end of the world for her - even when she is 20 or 40!

So friends the next time that you give the disgusted look to that "special" kid in the store or at school... remember somewhere they have a mother and a father that loved them just like your parents loved you!

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