So this will be a massive catch up and then I will try and be better about updating as much as possible!
Lets see -
Taylor is still in speech and OT - We go twice a week for a total of 4 hours...
Speech - I AM PROUD TO SAY - Taylor is caught up :) We will still attend speech, because Taylor still needs help coming out of her shell and expressing herself. A HUGE thank you to Mary Beth who has stood by Taylor and helped her overcome a lot in such a short amount of time. :)
OT - Taylor is doing great with fine motor activities, still working on her attention and getting her to focus for longer periods of time. :)
Taylor has been challenging this last week - She has had some of her extreme behaviors and I can only wonder if all of this is the "calm" before the storm. None the less, even though I joke about sending her away to boarding school... we love her and I am thankful she keeps our lives full of surprise :)
There ya go Mass overload but I will try and get on here and write a post regarding some issues we are having tomorrow :)
have a great night!